Axle Toe & Camber Shims

what amount of shims has some of you used for toe and camber
set up calls for -1.50 camber and -0.15' toe

as they are not cheap if buying many of them just to try

Hi Paul, I'm using various shims to get me to -2.6 negative camber and 30 minutes toe in. Every axle is different so various of shims needed as long as you know the stock values. Bear in mind that by fitting a camber plate will alter the toe (more positive) so you can offset the change by using toe shims. The matrix on how camber shims affect toe is here;

10480031856_373ea6caa8_b.jpgUntitled1 by YiannisR27, on Flickr

This comes from a Renault Sport pdf however there is a mistake on 1 degree camber, it states -0.98 but in reality it is -0.58.

I believe pure motorsport sell shims for around £15 a pop?
Madeno Racing have a "Rear axle toe- in/out, camber adjustm.kit € 245.00"

No pic's but I'm guessing based on the wording and cost this will allow you to adjust it at will? (Unless it's just a big box of shims!!)
Madeno Racing have a "Rear axle toe- in/out, camber adjustm.kit € 245.00"

No pic's but I'm guessing based on the wording and cost this will allow you to adjust it at will? (Unless it's just a big box of shims!!)
It is a big box of shims.
At least the ones I saw with the Clio Cup Series that my friend drove.
isn't that quite relative? 1mm toe in on the outer edge of a 17" wheel is not the same as on an 18" wheel... shouldn't this be measured in degrees?

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