Anyone on Facebook or Twitter?



Or wouldn't mind taking a couple of mins to vote for my sons band.

You can vote by CLICKING HERE then click the vote button just bellow the right hand corner of the video.

You can vote via the website and login via facebook, twitter or take a min to create an account. I'd massively appreciate it and so would my sons band who really need some more studio time to get more tracks recorded.

Many Thanks
Cheers bud, they are just starting out and using garage band at the mo.

Getting studio time to practice properly before recording is silly expensive.
Its all about perseverance, sending off demo cd after cd to everyone and anyone, record companies, magazines, radio, stock libarys (getty) the list its endless. And playing gigs in places you wouldnt always want to play.
I'm kicking their arses atm and building them a website. They practice quite a bit and to be honest a good set of lads.