Any ideas on what this knocking is?

Something that's not been tightened up properly, if someone did that for you I'd be getting them to trailer it back in or come out and fix it. Sounds like when I sat in a 172 with a lose top mount, but I wouldn't drive it imo like that.
I cant hear any sound on the video, but I had a knocking noise turned out to be the top strut the rubber had split and you could hear a knock if you stood on the door sill and pushed up and down or when moving off normally in traffic. the inner metal cup touches the outer ring because the rubber split but can only be seen when the car is on its wheels and the part is loaded a second person listening around the scuttle area while you do your thing on the door sill should narrow it down. I put pictures in another thread but I cant find the thread.
The noise is coming from behindthe gearbox. Possible ARB Bushes?

ARB bushes will give a clunk when going over speedbumps. I would double check the bits replaced first (droplinks as they would give movement in the ARB if not tightened).

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