Albi 197 pics finallyyyyyyy!

Been on here a few weeks now so thought it be best i slapped some pictures up. Before i start making some modifications!picture quality not so great only off the old dog and bone! Enjoy DSC_0028[2].jpgDSC_0030[1].jpgDSC_0036[2].jpgDSC_0038[1].jpgDSC_0042[1].jpg
personally, i think the spoiler should be painted blue - but that's just me!! i just think it looks unfinished.
each to their own and all that!
i see what your saying i do, if i had a cup spoiler and the spoiler stood out more it would probably be blue, but it doesnt stand out and if it was blue it mayaswell not be there in my opinion. if you get what im saying there but it also matches mirror caps and grills that are painted black etc etc