A few photos of my old discs ....

After suffering very acute brake judder (most apparent at 70 - 80mph) on a 57 plate car with 40k and what I think were the original discs, I decided to replace the discs and pads as the first course of action.

Pads look ok, still have life in them (the chips and indentations were me using the old pads to push the pistons back) :

Pads front by DEAF N1NJA, on Flickr

Initial inspection of the outer side of one disc, all looks well no? :

OSF Disc Outer by DEAF N1NJA, on Flickr

However, here is the inside of the OSF disc .... :

OSF Disc Inner by DEAF N1NJA, on Flickr

and a close up :

OSF Disc Inner close by DEAF N1NJA, on Flickr

And the same again for the NSF disc :

NSF Disc Inner by DEAF N1NJA, on Flickr

NSF Disc Inner Close up by DEAF N1NJA, on Flickr

Suffice to say, after installing new pads and discs, cleaning up the calipers with brake cleaner, applying plenty of copper grease to the pins and hubs and making sure everything was torqued up correctly - the 'judder' completely disappeared.

I can no brake with more confidence and the car feels smoother to drive.

So, if you're car's suffering similar symptoms, but the outer face of the disc looks OK, check for corrosion on the inner facing - you might be in for a shock!


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