197 Temperature gauge


Winner - POTM November 2017, January 2018
Collected my 2007 clio 197 yesterday, 120,000 kms full renault service history.

Had a 40 min drive from where i collected it in meath to my house in dublin. On that drive the temp gauge didnt go over the second notch/line so i assumed that was its operating temp.

Got home, collected some friends and went for a hoon in the wicklow mountains. The temp went up to the 3rd notch but dropped back to the second after standing with the engine off for a few mins.

Which notch on the gauge is optimum operating temp

Do i have a dodgy temp sensor? Oil and coolant levels are spot on so shouldnt be overheating unless the radiators nackerd
As far as I know, the second line is where the temperature sits under normal driving.

Put your foot down or get stuck around town and it will rise to the third line
As far as I know, the second line is where the temperature sits under normal driving.

Put your foot down or get stuck around town and it will rise to the third line

Thanks! Yea car isnt overheating or anything just a bit of fluctuation, had heard of temp sensors failing so thaught id get a secind opinion. Thanks to you both
I had a temp gauge I thought was running cool when I got the car I think there is a little confusion about the lines some say third line when sitting stationary. There are six main lines on the temp gauge some people disregard the first where the needle sits before the first start of the day (cold). Anyway mine would not go above the (2nd) line now with a new thermostat fitted it will rise to almost the 3rd line until the thermostat opens then it drops to just above the 2nd line it will move up and down a little from there depending on how I'm driving but it will never drop below the 2nd line and never above the 3rd line. I hope this helps you to check yours.

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