
  1. Matthewjread

    Somerset LY RS200

    Hi All! I have been lurking on the forums for a little while without a Clio myself. It's safe to say I have been absolutely loving reading some of these build threads! Some real beauties out there. Anyway, enough of the soppiness, back to the point in question, my car! The car is a 2009 Clio...
  2. Jkeillor94

    Johns Mk3 Daily

    So about 2 years ago now i got myself a Mk3 Clio after my Mk2 popped a head gasket and i lost interest in it entirely. I settled for a 1.2 Clio Bizu Edition; I bought it for 4k from Arnold Clark, got it with a full years MOT and 6 months tax plus they chucked in £20 of fuel for me before i...
  3. E

    Evo's RB Clio 200 CUP

    First and foremost, welcome fellow petrol heads, car enthusiasts and lurkers to my Project/Progress Thread. I am the proud owner of a Clio RS200 CUP MK3 (2009) in Racing Blue; purchased in February 2019 with approximately 79,000 miles. As of writing this post, I've owned the car for 4 days...