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  1. Reconciled Chaos

    Button under the Gas Peddle????

    One of the guys here in SA actually did this, his car was so strong. :jase:
  2. Reconciled Chaos

    our albi blue 197

    Lovely looking Albi there!
  3. Reconciled Chaos

    High revs - wont go into gear

    Myself and a mate have the same issues, well my mate's is sorted now. It was his gear selector, maybe start there as it's an easy and cheapish job to do.
  4. Reconciled Chaos

    Hi Low Converter install

    Howzit Gents Need some advise all the way from SA. :headphone: I am trying to install a 4 channel amp, 10" sub and a set of 5" mids. I bought a wiring kit and an audiobank 4 channel hi low converter. I am struggling a bit to connect the hi low converter. The converter has 8...
  5. Reconciled Chaos

    My Red Rocket 197!!!

    Lyk kak man! Hahaha Nice one bud, she's looking good as always!
  6. Reconciled Chaos

    New nimbus 197 owner from sa

    Thanks gents!
  7. Reconciled Chaos

    New nimbus 197 owner from sa

    Greetings planet earth :blowup: Recently took delivery of my RS 197 and loving it. Here's a few crappy phone pics. Hope to learn a lot of my little rocket by going through some of the threads.
  8. Reconciled Chaos

    Please recomend me a game

    If you like assassin's creed and tomb raider, you should consider uncharted 1 & 2.