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  1. aaron-rs197

    Is it possible to change the units from miles to km?

    i believe the renault CLIP software can do this
  2. aaron-rs197

    Electrical non-starting issue - few weird things

    sounds like an issue with computers on the multiplex network not handshaking properly? you'll need a copy of the service manual and access to CLiP software to investigate this further. i'll try attach some screensnips from the manual relating to this issue which may help you.
  3. aaron-rs197

    S88THL - Supercharged Clio 200

    nice spec. my charged 197 is in for an Ecumaster EMU black standalone to be fitted as we speak. I was thinking about having a BT module fitted to it and using a tablet as a digital dash. Do you use the BT module for that purpose or is it more for logging?
  4. aaron-rs197

    injector fault diagnosis

    also another thing im not sure about, maybe someone can clarify.. if the car has been decatted, shouldnt the pre and post 02 sensors be reading the same. or are they looking for different things? would i be right in thinking in the case of a decat if the post sensor was seeing the same readings...
  5. aaron-rs197

    injector fault diagnosis

    yeah the pre-cat is operating normally - oscillates between 0v and 1v. the post cat sensor sits dead on 0.45v what i don't understand is how the long term fuel trim can be sat at 0% while the short term is up at 50,60 even 70%!!
  6. aaron-rs197

    injector fault diagnosis

    short term fuel trim is like +50% to +60% on idle and long term fuel trim is stuck on 0%. there is another reading which i am not sure about. the one in green is stuck at -100%. can anyone shed any light on this reading plz? thanks
  7. aaron-rs197

    injector fault diagnosis

    no worries. thanks i'll have a look at that then. can you point me toward any useful resources on what good values should look like under different scenarios at all ?
  8. aaron-rs197

    injector fault diagnosis

    i've spoke to a couple rs specialists on the phone who suspect it may be an injector issue. before taking it in to one of them (there are all like 200 miles away from me), i'd like to have a go at diagnosing myself, if its possible.
  9. aaron-rs197

    injector fault diagnosis

    hi all. im suspecting an injector may not be fully working at idle/low revs. any tips on how i could diagnose? is this something i could monitor with obd scanner or clip?
  10. aaron-rs197

    Check Emissions, Check Injection & P0010 on Clio 197

    I’m led to believe the post o2 sensor should not fluctuate like the pre sensor does. Post should be steady 0.4ish v. If it mirrors the pre sensor, its a sign of failed cat. Most likely due to lots of city driving.
  11. aaron-rs197

    advice needed for 197 - stalling issue

    the 2nd and 3rd time i gently blip the throttle to 2k rpm and let it idle, it goes way down then struggles to keep itself alive and then eventually idles out at 800rpm ish. maybe one time out of 20 it will stall completely.
  12. aaron-rs197

    advice needed for 197 - stalling issue

    i'll get some pics of the old ones in a bit. the high revs was sorted. took throttle body off, it was seized up. cleaned up with some wd40 and now ok (ish) does get stuck for a bit if i open the butterfly right up and hold it there. thing is, i took it off a couple weeks ago and cleaned it up so...
  13. aaron-rs197

    advice needed for 197 - stalling issue

    this has turned in to something a bit different now lol. i changed the plugs last weekend (ngk iridium heat rating 7 from engine dynamics) to see if that would sort the low idle, which it didnt, it stayed the same and running ok otherwise. I ordered new knock sensor to fit this weekend as that...
  14. aaron-rs197

    advice needed for 197 - stalling issue

    i do have a fault code relating to the knock sensor - P0325 Knock Sensor (KS) 1, bank 1 - circuit malfunction Could that be related at all?
  15. aaron-rs197

    advice needed for 197 - stalling issue

    so i checked voltage returns from pre and post 02 sensors. pre is fluctuating fairly consistently between 0.2v and 0.8v. when i increase revolutions for a moment and let it come to idle it will hold low for a few moments before fluctuating again. post is held at 0.4v-0.5v. i believe these...
  16. aaron-rs197

    hello, new 197 owner near Folkestone

    so almost 10 years later I am now a 197 owner again!! since letting my first AB 197 with cup chassis pack in mint original condition go (to a renault dealership no less) I have had a Toyota Auris SR180 (shite), MK5 Golf GTI - Stage 1, (not bad), Pug 3007 dirty diesel (complete shite), a VW T-ROC...
  17. aaron-rs197

    advice needed for 197 - stalling issue

    hi @Foxspeed thanks for the reply. what would you consider to be a normal signal for lambda data readings?
  18. aaron-rs197

    ridiculously over sensitive throttle pedal

    no nothing like that fitted. im wondering if it's just a characteristic of the car. had a 197 years ago but dont remember it being this touchy...
  19. aaron-rs197

    advice needed for 197 - stalling issue

    just to add: i've put my obd scanner on, no fault codes logged. i've taken the throttle body off and cleaned and checked it thoroughly and cleaned plug with contact cleaner. new spark plugs coming next week. checked coil plugs are secure, checked map sensor secure. haven't checked crankshaft...