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  1. PROIL

    Tarmac Rally Car

    yes both sadev, but difrent boxes found this on helix website Concentric Slave CylindersIf a flat faced Concentric slave cylinder or flat faced release bearing is to be used, then a Top-Plate (TP) must be added to the top of your cover assembly. This sits on top of the fingers for the release...
  2. PROIL

    Tarmac Rally Car

    standard road car slave cylinder cup race and R3 uses same part, R3 uses different gearbox, have asked question with renaultsport
  3. PROIL

    Tarmac Rally Car

    fitting not going to well, standard slave cylinder not working with the new clutch, i suspect need to space out the slave cylinder a bit, its never easy
  4. PROIL

    Tarmac Rally Car

    new clutch and flywheel fitted difference between standard clutch
  5. PROIL

    Lightened flywheels

    SADEV ST-75 Cup race box
  6. PROIL

    Lightened flywheels

    yes will give feedback when fitted can be bought from any AP dealer Cover part number CP7381-OE80-SF Plate CP8300-A030 (BUT NOTE PLATE IS FOR SADEV GEAR BOX I THINK STANDARD BOX HAS SPLINE OF 24.5MM COMPARED TO SADEV OF 24MM)
  7. PROIL

    Lightened flywheels

    clutch turned up
  8. PROIL

    Lightened flywheels

    looking into them just now, R3 clio uses 7/14 clutch so are available from renault sport
  9. PROIL

    Lightened flywheels

    go for 7 1/4 clutch
  10. PROIL

    Tarmac Rally Car

    yes still for the mk3 clio, had to re work first attempt slightly will get a better pic up
  11. PROIL

    Tarmac Rally Car

    Rear axle mk2
  12. PROIL

    Tarmac Rally Car

    or be more braver and keep it in 2nd
  13. PROIL

    Tarmac Rally Car

    yes bogs down a bit at low revs, we use same ratio all year, just some of the corners are so close sometimes quicker to stay in gear
  14. PROIL

    Tarmac Rally Car

  15. PROIL

    Tarmac Rally Car

    1st stage from the weekend, finished 1st stage 13th quickest, just got to 6th stage out of 8 when we found power steering pipe had cracked, so end of rally 2nd time we have cracked a pipe so have to get hoses made
  16. PROIL

    Tarmac Rally Car

    doing some damage if i bend those
  17. PROIL

    Tarmac Rally Car

    not to sure size as yet, but is mk2 escort anti roll bar
  18. PROIL

    Tarmac Rally Car

    axle upgrade almost complete
  19. PROIL

    Tarmac Rally Car

    yes not much room, had to cut away some of the plastic brace has a coil pack from a 172/182