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  1. montana

    alternative to carb/brake fluid

    You need some engine de greaser (like autoglym) or similar to do the job.
  2. montana

    Fix for lower coolant pipe catching sump

    Hi Andy, I had another look at this recently when replacing my dogbone, with the dogbone removed the it made no difference to the spacing between sump and coolant hose - interesting you mention about the lower hose, maybe its a coolant change that is cause... $525 wowsers, i expect the lower...
  3. montana

    First Car - Clio 182

    just noticed the headlights look in very good condition (normally go hazy). Plus on an 06 its one of the last MK2's (06 was crossover year between Mk2 and Mk3).
  4. montana

    Spare Tyre Pressure

    Standard pressure as above in the spare.
  5. montana

    First Car - Clio 182

    Welcome , cracking little cars the MK2 (like all clios ). As for wheels , 17s look a little big on the MK2 ,stick with 16s , turinis are a popular choice (as fitted to the 182 trophy and 172 cup)
  6. montana


    Don't know how you can manage with all 3 , I have the renaultsport rectangle and that's enough , smart though
  7. montana


    its what people seem to do when they have no stock, rather than cancel the listing
  8. montana

    Exhaust Rattling?

    No issues with my milltek, i would check the rear rubbers (one on each backbox). They may well be sagged / past their best and causing the exhasut to rattle on the rear beam - also check the heatshield is ok and secure.
  9. montana

    Abarth 500 exhausts - epic sounds

    The sound good with an Akra fitted too !
  10. montana

    Fitting milltek exhaust 197

    See post #99 here
  11. montana

    Redirect to

    If it happens , the workaround is to press back on the browser and click the link again. However agreed not ideal ! Nik
  12. montana

    Flacsi's Racing Red 197

    You need the get the harnesses fitted 100% correct bud , not worth risking it. It's the angle in relation to the floor that's important too. Looks like you are using the rear isofix for the passenger one ?
  13. montana

    Fitting milltek exhaust 197

    These ones Fitment isn't the best , they look cheap off the car but passable when fitted. The milltek diameter is 51mm after the backboxes so the tips will need to fit this diameter.
  14. montana

    Standard exhaust

    The arent removable so would need to be cut off like Pav said.
  15. montana

    Fitting milltek exhaust 197

    Yes, i have a 200 Milltek on my 197.
  16. montana

    what does this mean?

    Yes what Sean said, do you have the link you are trying to access?
  17. montana

    change tyres round

    Please buy a proper jack rather than the scissor jack that comes with the car, ok for emergencies, but thats about it!
  18. montana

    Piston wont go back in

    No problem, give me a heads up when your next DIY ing
  19. montana

    Piston wont go back in

    Keep going on the DIY Pav