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  1. M


    Hi Giles, you ok? What you been up to ? :)
  2. M

    Enhancement Detail - Scirocco GT

    Looms stunning, nice work :)
  3. M

    Well, my RenaultSport love affair is soon to be over...

    What did they give you for it if you dont mind me asking and have you trader it or just sold it on? We buy any car ?
  4. M

    sold the clio and heres the replacement!

    Car look great, moved to the correct section :)
  5. M

    200: ending renault finance early??

    They even said they would take a card payment from the buyer if I agreed to it!!
  6. M

    200: ending renault finance early??

    I wasn't in negative equity at 5 month stage. RCI will take a third party payment, they took a chaps from my buyer?!?
  7. M

    200: ending renault finance early??

    ^ happy to help, if you drop me a pm with what you want to know it would be easier. That would work too and was a last option for me.
  8. M

    200: ending renault finance early??

    It's possible, anything is :) Happy to discuss in further detail if it helps.
  9. M

    200: ending renault finance early??

    Yep 2 year PCP. Sold my car for x which paid of my finance of y and left me with near enough my original deposit of z. Never owned or sold a car on finance before and it was hard work showing the buyer I was not going to rip them off.. Must look dodgy lol but I provided my settlement figure...
  10. M

    200: ending renault finance early??

    Hmm that didn't happen with me.. I sold my 200 after 5 months, paid off the finance and retrieved my deposit.
  11. M

    200: ending renault finance early??

    Exactly how I sold mine :)
  12. M

    Newbie in Manchester

    Welcome :)
  13. M

    My new baby

    Thanks, glad you love your Clio :)
  14. M

    Whats on the menu tonight?

    Back to food.. Roast dinner for me today :)
  15. M

    My new baby

    Love it :)
  16. M

    New member, from Belfast

    Welcome :)
  17. M

    Seem to have fallen out of love with my 197

    Get the bus for a few days then show the cup some love lol