Search results

  1. B

    which panel filter for 197

    I bought ITG, and waiting for delivery. Thank's
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    Exhaust tips?

    I bought pair as well... I think they looks better than renaultsport tips...
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    Xenon & Cornering Light Bulbs

    try osram cool blue hyper... They give nice light
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    which panel filter for 197

    Hi! I'm looking for panel filter, which one is best? I had k&n in my 182 and it was ok. Is it worth to pay more for ITG?
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    custom exhaust

    Hi! Did anyone try to weld custom exhaust in 197 non turbo? is it worth to do this?
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    Smoking Headlamps

    i Had spi vision on my old 182, and doing job in my opinin, but you have to watch out when you polishing your car etc.
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    197 mileage thoughts

    private... 6mths tax road, 6mths M.O.T. and brand new bridgestone re070 on front... mayby it's bad time for selling car.
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    clio 197 cambelt and aux kit near Chatham, kent

    job booked for tuesday in 2techs. Thank's
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    197 mileage thoughts

    My full fat 197 56 plates got 93000 and going well.... I was trying to sell it, but can't get more than 2900... and had only couple phone calls, no one saw it.
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    clio 197 cambelt and aux kit near Chatham, kent

    I can travel about 20-30 miles max I think. 2tech is probably what I'm looking for, couple months ago they quoted me for 400 with clio forum membership (also aux belt kit) I just forget their name
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    clio 197 cambelt and aux kit near Chatham, kent

    Hi! As in title, where I can find good and not very expensive mechanic to do this jobs in my 197? How much it should cost me? Thanks
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    Headlight beam really low

    I got similar problem, but mine going up, and then slowly down to the lowest position... Is there any manual for unplug motors? or remove headlights ?
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    xenons going down when wet

    OK so maybe someone know where is fuse for headlight adjuster motor? Is there also manual adjusting (by screw or something) like in normal headlights? Thank's
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    xenons going down when wet

    Hi! I have problem with xenon headlights in my 197. When is dry they going up and staying in this position. When is wet they going up and slowly dropping down to lowest position (If I turn off engine they stopping). I also unplug rear sensor but there is no change. Any suggestions? Thank's