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    Any Raider owners have any paintwork done?

    Teesport is about 10 miles from me so will check it out, thanks.
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    I got one too !
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    Any Raider owners have any paintwork done?

    Evans Halshaw in Middlesbrogh.
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    Any Raider owners have any paintwork done?

    Picked up the car yesterday. Improved on the first attempt but it's still not right. Awaiting their response. They told me they will get in touch with the pixel man or something. so watch this space.
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    Any Raider owners have any paintwork done?

    Any progress on this thread? I'm picking my car up tomorrow as they say the paint issue has been addressed. Somehow the cynical side of me thinks it still won't be right!
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    Nimbus 197

    Ruswarp crossing near Whitby 1155 today.
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    Any Raider owners have any paintwork done?

    Im having issues with mine. At the garage at the moment, they can't get the paint right. Hopefully 3rd time lucky. The match is fine but the paint surface is like sand paper. IF they don't get it right this time I don't know what I'm going to do?
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    Too old for a 197?

    42 this year. I'll be in a hot hatch when I'm 80..:) If I don't kill myself first.
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    Just given the 200T a quick clean and fitted Winters

    Must of been difficult to part with that 265. I remember seeing it at Northallerton rolling road day then on the trip to Hartside. Very nice car indeed.
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    Raider 22

    Yes. It's on the drive now as I type. Great car, very dirty at the moment though. I'm a bit worried about washing it.
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    Raider Owners

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    Raider 22

    Thanks guys.
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    Raider 22

    Not a new member but after having my LY Megane for three years I have decided to get back into a Clio. I shall miss the Megane, an awesome machine in every area but it's an itch that has been well and truly scratched. Loved every minute of the car but as I said it's now time to move on. Not a...
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    Raider Owners

    Mine is 22 in Red. Pick it up Friday.
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    Got a new car!

    Best colour after LY.
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    engine dynamics quick shift

    Just fitted a Dynamics one on the Megane. Hugh difference as stated above. Worth every penny.
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    Raider 22

    Thanks, it has the monitor. Amazingly there is another one not far from where I live in Red too. At first I thought it was that one but I saw it parked up last week in the usual place and the reg was L prefix.
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    Raider 22

    Anyone had this vehicle please, NJ12 YXB? Very nice condition and low mileage. Had it out for a test drive yesterday. Seems to drive fine. Just digging around before I make a decision. It's a Red one by the way.
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    Three in the North East

    Red 200 Recar, CL10 ??? , Black 197 also in Redcar then a 60 plate 200 in Red at Grangetown. All this afternoon.
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    61 Plate AG 200 Stockton

    Yes I remember Chrizz. I love AG, nearly bought one in that colour just before Christmas. Will keep an eye out for your GW 200.