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  1. tombate911

    Glacier White 200 Cup

    Cracking write up. Was a really good day considering some of the cars on track! I thought we were in for a day of red flags and faffing but it went really smoothly. More Renaults on the trackday than I saw at some of the Renault Sport days I did back when I had the clio! Made for some great...
  2. tombate911

    Albi Blue 200 >> BMW E46 Track Car

    It weighed at 6.5kg which is the same if not slightly lighter than the Odyssey. They claim the Odyssey has a weight of 7kg from the data sheet. In terms of the CCA. It’s a bit of a gamble but so far it’s been no problem, e46 takes a good 5/6 seconds of cranking for the first start of the day as...
  3. tombate911

    Albi Blue 200 >> BMW E46 Track Car

    Little bit of free time over easter has given me the opportunity to make some changes to a few bits. Had a little bit of time yesterday on CAD to look at the design of the rear wing, it's a little bit bigger than I ever thought I'd have on the car, the end plates I originally designed and cut...
  4. tombate911

    Beanys RB 200 cup

    Nothing like leaving a job till the week before a track day. Least you’ve sorted most of it now rather than having to do it on a track day. You ran the RC6’s previously?
  5. tombate911

    Albi Blue 200 >> BMW E46 Track Car

    Found a replacement for the smaller more club sport seats I've had in the BMW since the Clio prior to 2018, these have been great and are still in perfect condition and were brilliant when driving the cars on the road, but always wanted to try something a little bit different, little more...
  6. tombate911

    2006 Deep Black Track Shed BudgetBoltOnBuild

    Passenger seat is always open for anyone if the cars working. Anyone’s free to ask to jump in. More fun when trackday laps are shared with someone!
  7. tombate911

    2006 Deep Black Track Shed BudgetBoltOnBuild

    Hopefully all the issues sorted by the time Cadwell comes around, there myself on the 8th
  8. tombate911

    Albi Blue 200 >> BMW E46 Track Car

    As we start to move into spring I've started to look at Trackdays for 2024, I was hoping to get more miles on the car this year, but we'll see how that progresses through the year, noticed a lot of people selling up track cars this year, possibly down to the constant rising of prices and the...
  9. tombate911

    Albi Blue 200 >> BMW E46 Track Car

    Oulton Part 18th November Normally we've got away with good weather over the years with a dry cold winter track day but this time a little bit of rain over night and temps around the 10-12 degree meant that the track was wet for the majority of the day but only a sessions worth of a drying line...
  10. tombate911

    Albi Blue 200 >> BMW E46 Track Car

    A proper post will appear at some point, but for now...
  11. tombate911

    Albi Blue 200 >> BMW E46 Track Car

    Not a lot been happening over the last few weeks. Been waiting for a super damper from America for 6 weeks. Mounting this to the engine using the MRT M54 damper installation kit from Finland This is a very tight fit on the crank, ended up heating it in the oven for 20 minutes to get some...
  12. tombate911

    Albi Blue 200 >> BMW E46 Track Car

    Another weekend gives me a free Saturday to keep working on the car. I've learnt now it's easier to time the car up in the engine bay now as I can't fit the flywheel while the engine is on the engine stand. Popped the rocker cover off and timed the engine up using the standard BMW tools...
  13. tombate911

    Albi Blue 200 >> BMW E46 Track Car

    Sometimes I just can't put something down when I've got something on the go, it's often a bad thing, as it becomes all consuming but when I'm doing something I do try to make it my main focus. I've already booked a trackday for the 18th November at Oulton, so working towards trying to get the...
  14. tombate911

    Albi Blue 200 >> BMW E46 Track Car

    Engine refresh continues... Given the crank another good clean with brake cleaner and blown out the journals with the compressor. Replacement gear hub on the nose of the crank Delivery of parts for the bottom end. Front and rear casings, new oil pump chain, main and big end bearings, new sump...
  15. tombate911

    Albi Blue 200 >> BMW E46 Track Car

    Plan for the engine. Check for any further damage Leave the head on with rods and pistons in the bores Clean all the bottom end parts Replace the crank hub Replace the oil pump chain Replace main bearings Replace big end bearings Upgraded oil pump with the Hopwood kit New seals and gaskets on...
  16. tombate911

    Albi Blue 200 >> BMW E46 Track Car

    While waiting for engine parts to turn up I thought I might as well continue to make the car better than it was before, one thing that has bugged me for years was the engine bay. I helped a friend paint their engine bay a while ago, when painting the inside of the car and it looked so much...
  17. tombate911

    GW 200 CUP (clubsport->racecar->v2)

    Looks great from the front! Really mean.
  18. tombate911

    Albi Blue 200 >> BMW E46 Track Car

    The lock wired solution has been in since august 2021 when I rebuilt the engine due to the bad honing on the block. I did know that it would fail are some point in the future and knew that when that time came I would address the issues properly. First step was assessing the damage properly...
  19. tombate911

    Albi Blue 200 >> BMW E46 Track Car

    I have got warnings on the centre screen for 100+ on coolant and 105+ on oil temp. 120+ on diff temp, also with the ECU protection I have a rev limiter for any excessive temps or low temps, anything less than 50 deg for oil and water and there's much lower rev limiter around 4/5k. Oil pressure...
  20. tombate911

    Albi Blue 200 >> BMW E46 Track Car

    Not quite the Cadwell Park update I was hoping for... Arrived at the circuit from the hotel nice and early, perfect conditions were on the cards for the day with MSV. Was hoping for a really positive day with a few changes I wanted to test, ECU tweaks, Michelin slicks and the firmer rear...