Recent content by funMACHINE

  1. F

    Power tool recommendations please

    not the priciest , but worth it , in my opinion ... 400nm impact , 3gear drill up to 4000revs, 125mm grinder/cutter and multitool
  2. F

    Upgrade projectors to HID

    definitely , oem ones from valeo are roundabout 120€/side ... new ... and the osram guys, which does the tests for street legal homologation, said : the non projectors are better then the projectors
  3. F

    Upgrade projectors to HID

    best solution is the double h7 non projectors with osram led h7 smart , since two weeks street legal in Germany :D
  4. F

    Which pistons for engine revision ?

    more or less "only" revision , but want to check the options , in case the cylinders need to be honed ...
  5. F

    Which pistons for engine revision ?

    Standard Renault ones , some forged with a smooth cylinder honing (82,72/75) or direct the next step with 83,00? Are there any options , except wössner & je?
  6. F

    radiator fan purple relay 12v 50a 03525

    7700810396 is the part number , in case you need a new one
  7. F

    Bogging/misfire under load at 2-3k

    its not the question , nobody expect big power around 2k revs , but with stock exhaust it runs smooth from 1500 to 2500 and now its undriveable in this range . would understand , if the exhaust setup makes 15 horses more in the higher revs ...
  8. F

    Bogging/misfire under load at 2-3k

    have the same on mine , too much throttle between 2000 and 2500 and the misfire starts , exactly at 2500 it starts to work normal. was on dyno , there was nothing to see , then on testdrive , directly the same ... installed a lambda gauge , that tells between 2 and 2,5k its lambda 1,15-1,20 and...
  9. F

    Remote reservoir mounting location

    one from the koleos models fits well ...
  10. F

    Is this bad? Bottom engine mount and subframe brace threads

    make some new ones ... :)
  11. F

    Is this bad? Bottom engine mount and subframe brace threads

    the threads for this are in a exchangeable part, dont need the whole subframe #is 8200309428
  12. F

    Ball Joint Update - Worth A Shot ? Maybe Bulk Buy ?

    these 3 swivels (lower/upper/outer) are not genuine renault parts , they are made by "tech-france" , what is maybee the importer from alibaba or temu ... ;)
  13. F

    Windscreen washer jets

    if you are in the mood , to drill the holes up to 12mm , this are the best ones ;)
  14. F

    which oem pistons should i run on my clio with megane turbo block

    means you have a so called Meglio ? the F4R 787 is the 170hp engine from a laguna ... think you should look again after the numbers ... what sense makes it to put natural aspirated pistons in a turbo charged engine? in case you dont get spare parts , order some forged pistons from wössner, JE...