Recent content by Fluxed02

  1. Fluxed02

    Racing Blue 197

    I think they look awesome, not had a chance to test at high/motorway speeds for a prolonged amount of time, so will have to get out at some point!
  2. Fluxed02

    Racing Blue 197

    Sweet, that'll be them then!
  3. Fluxed02

    Racing Blue 197

    Pretty sure there cooksport? 35 - 40mm I'm unsure as I didn't put them on.
  4. Fluxed02

    Racing Blue 197

    I think the best thing about it is, you rarely see another colour like it on the roads
  5. Fluxed02

    Racing Blue 197

    Yeah I'll have to keep the tyres in mind, although looking out of my window summer is not coming for a long time!
  6. Fluxed02

    Racing Blue 197

    Pic is up, had to edit!
  7. Fluxed02

    Racing Blue 197

    How you going, I've not posted much on here due to being very busy with work commitments. Finally found some time to update my progess! So.. bought the car April this year and so far have loved every minute of owning it. Have used advice given on this forum and outside sources and have found...
  8. Fluxed02

    New 197 owner - Leicestershire

    Cheers, and yeah i dont really have an excuse for that haha!
  9. Fluxed02

    New 197 owner - Leicestershire

    Oh it'll definitely be driven! Regards mods, i have a buckshee list, what i dont have is ounces of time spare, its going to be a long process i reckon!
  10. Fluxed02

    New 197 owner - Leicestershire

    How you going guys, ive been surfing the forum for a few months now since buying an 07 plate 197 in racing blue. Decided id introduce myself and ask your much needed opinions, what would you guys consider absolute sins when it comes to modifying a 197? (Other than a Nos sticker on the rear...