Recent content by Cliosport-carl

  1. Cliosport-carl

    06 nimbus 197 daily track toy

    well sorry guys my little Clio has come to its end it was a sad day seeing this thing going but on to bigger things and dammm this Meg has come on at a rate of knots i snapped a bolt the other day and just thought fuck it so have ended up building the bloody thing I would have been happy with...
  2. Cliosport-carl

    06 nimbus 197 daily track toy

    im keeping the lufi buddy i need it for the meg
  3. Cliosport-carl

    06 nimbus 197 daily track toy

    Well it's happening the clio is about to be stripped for parts. If anybody wants anything let me know. 07880313057 I'll get a price and start stripping soon
  4. Cliosport-carl

    06 nimbus 197 daily track toy

    So... ill put an update through shortly as I've just got back from the ring and a few weeks ago was at Donington however, the time has come it's strong money but, if I was braking the car (which I will) Ill be close as I want to keep some parts (seats AC delete kit lufi gage)...
  5. Cliosport-carl

    06 nimbus 197 daily track toy

    Ill do some work on it and get some evening trackdays in it then replace the clio eventually
  6. Cliosport-carl

    06 nimbus 197 daily track toy

    #sorrynotsorry. So a new project will be underway soon. Clio will still be used for a while ive got a trackday in may and the ring in june then the meg will take priority. But onto the meg 128k 2 owners Less than £4000 Few problems but already started to fix some of them it got delivered...
  7. Cliosport-carl

    06 nimbus 197 daily track toy

    when I'm next on my computer ill also get the pictures from Mallory up and the video, I didn't realise I've not done that much on here, I've been having a bit of a sh*t few months with one thing or another, however hopefully back on track now, oh and I've booked the ring for June and I've got an...
  8. Cliosport-carl

    06 nimbus 197 daily track toy

    I went to Mallory and feared for my life as I had the worse brake wobble ever however after a few sessions they where fine and I found them amazing on par with my old DS1.11s tbf, they just take some heating up, when I was getting brake wobble it did lose the servo at 1 point but after that it...
  9. Cliosport-carl

    06 nimbus 197 daily track toy

    So ive got gone for the RP1s to see what they are like i didnt realise how bad the calipers where (paint wise)
  10. Cliosport-carl

    06 nimbus 197 daily track toy

    Just need to paint the badges again now
  11. Cliosport-carl

    06 nimbus 197 daily track toy

    Managed to finish my engine off with a sticker which ties it all together nicely and finally changed my side indicators
  12. Cliosport-carl

    06 nimbus 197 daily track toy

    Its not a v6 airbox its an r3 maxi (from the rally car) and yeah ive shifted it over its normally flat on the rad now its to the side.
  13. Cliosport-carl

    06 nimbus 197 daily track toy

    Ill get a renault sport sticker for the inlet to tie its together again a massive black one I think lol
  14. Cliosport-carl

    06 nimbus 197 daily track toy

    Bit more of an update sadly the clockspring didnt sort out the issue with the cc so ill have to keep looking into it. However I now have a solid gearbox mount and upper torque mount and am just waiting for the engine mount to dry before it goes back on however ive finally painted the engine and...
  15. Cliosport-carl

    06 nimbus 197 daily track toy

    Sadly the car rolled into another one in the car park. (The handbrake wasnt on fully)