Clio 3 RS F1 Team R27 Meglio - it will be a trackcar

Thought already about it, but then i have to change the complete Setup.
New Turbo or Exhaust housing
New Adapter to manifold or complete new manifold
no solution for now.

i will weld the studs

just the adapters for turbo base & the exhaust manifold. I believe they are available separately to be used on existing turbo. You will also need a professional for Laser welding. You can retain the Exhaust housing and just get a new set of bolts with bolt lock tube.
So, here we finally continue.

Finally everything I need has arrived.
1. The turbocharger was milled at the screw and sealing surfaces at the Berlin Turbo Center
2. Studs were welded into the turbo/manifold adapter plate
3. Turbocharger was assembled with Nissan locking plate, Nordlock washers and self-locking copper nuts.
4. The original stud bolts that held the turbocharger to the manifold are now replaced by titanium bolts with lockwire.

I hope nothing comes loose now :-D

Here are a few photos:




WhatsApp Bild 2023-10-12 um 18.35.49_89ac7387.jpg

WhatsApp Bild 2023-10-12 um 18.35.49_c37f0676.jpg

WhatsApp Bild 2023-10-12 um 18.54.06_4dd472d9.jpg
It does not look like nord-lock washers to me? Or have you just used half of the washer? Or is it just my eyes?
It is it is.
On some photos you dont see the "half".
On the last picture you see the "half"a little bit, and on the fifth too.
its this:


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    2023-10-14 02_33_34-Spezial Schraubensicherung, 2,31 € – Mozilla Firefox.png
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    2023-10-14 02_41_36-IMG20231012185147.jpg ‎- Windows-Fotoanzeige.png
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