black and gold with black cable also good

I'll ring ya when I've slung a few coffee's down my beak hole!
Aiming for more than 220bhp though, I'm not going to start putting figures around because that never really did me well last time! But there's going to be potential for a decent amount more.
The issue is the Meg/R3 injectors I previously ran I am being advised to ditch them, and for now run stock injectors and stock fuel pressure and lines etc - it'll be fine for 220bhp as you say. However after that I need to increase fuel pressure, I need to do this the easiest and most reliable way, personally I'm much more familar with a return setup, however if you can simply change the in tank pressure reg on the sender for a 4 or 4.5bar item that would be fairly easy too, but ITB's are better with a return was certainly the information I use to work to.