Windows aids.. sorry 8

So.. Anyone else downloaded it and had a go?

Just downloaded and installed it, not impressed. Find it all a bit, well, all over the place. Half of it doesn't work, which I'm fine with as it's testing but just don't include it because normal people are going to be getting confused, probably rage and then never buy it because they've had a bad experience. I miss the windows button too. I know they say at a click of a button you can go back to the old "Theme" but it's not how it used to be, click spots all over the place, different desktops. I applaud Microsoft for using there balls for once and stepping up the market to contend with Apple etc and I'm sure it'll do well.. But for me, a big geek, was looking for the uninstall button within an hour.
I did download the dev preview at work to test some software (very forward thinking, because someone has to be!)
It's just Windows 7 with a slightly irritating overlay in place of the start menu. You disable that though with a bit of trickery.
The only thing that interests me is the new file system they're promising to replace NTFS, which is a LONG time coming.

Just have to remember it's designed for a wider variety of hardware and specifically to work better on touch screen devices.
Nop, that's one version I will never upgrade to.

They are trying to make all versions of the OS the same, mobile, tablet and computers and its just a big fail waiting to happen. Really hate it when companies go down this route, fine for a mobile or touch screen but for gods sake keep that **** away from computers with a dedicated keyboard and mouse.

Sorry for the rant, but it is so annoying.
Still running XP on my desktop, got Windows 7 on the laptop, i'm happy with both!

I did have an evaluation copy of Windows Whistler as it was known, which was then released as Windows 2000. That was revolutionary coming from 98SE lol

You mean to tell us that the new Windows isn't very good?!

Who saw that one coming?!



The next thing you'll be telling us that Internet Explorer isn't up to date with the standards of today's web development technologies.

Or that you can beans in a can!

I hate windows. Only time I use it is at work. I get lost looking for anything. Mac till the day I die.
I love how Microsoft continue to churn out new versions when the corporate side of things are still mostly running XP SP3! I assume the corporate market is also their biggest customer in terms of licenses purchased?

I work for a large UK IT outsourcer, my team alone has 17,000 devices spread across about 22 seperate clients. I can count on 1 hand how many of them are "piloting" Windows 7 with the others not having even started to look at it.

(everyone skips Vista by the way)
I'm sorry SaraGara but I'm afraid you do not know what you are talking about. I dare say this, but I am an Account Manager at a certain corporation and I can tell you now, Volume License purchases of Win 7 in both SME & Enterprise are above baseline expectations.

I fear your selection of 17,000 devices is 0.001% of the big picture!
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I suspect its more down to the type of business we look after, our clients that out source their IT i suppose are less likely to throw money at the latest technologies :smile: