Which petrol do you use?

I currently use tesco momentum 99, its around £1.30 near me so not too bad for a high octane considering the rise in prices!

Take it most of you will use v-power? I would do, but the nearest station is 20 minutes away so not that convenient..
Lots of people use Tescos on here, I would but there isn't one near so I use vpower out of convenience.
I always used to put v-power in but the price is just stupid now so I normally put shell normal stuff in

Normal petrol used to make kangarooing worse for me but doesn't seem to have much affect now I've had a remap
I use normal unleaded now. Dont see any difference from that and Super.
It made a massive difference in the 172, but this feels the same with either.

Only V-Power.

Nothing but V-Power.

I'm a whore and I buzz off getting Drivers Club points. :smiley:
i do a 14m round trip for v-power

but if i cant then tesco 99 is just a mile away...
I use Momentum, but the Tesco in Dudley which is the nearest one, has just closed. It is being knocked down and rebuilt as a double decker bad boy, with a much bigger area it is being built on.

So I had to put V-Power in at Sedgley, which is annoying because the car runs better on Momentum and it costs a lot less. I think the next Tesco fuel station is a 20 miles round trip to Birmingham and back, so it defeats the point going there. The cheaper Shell station is still closed for refurb too, so I am restricted to where I can get fuel locally.

I refuse to put BP or any other super from any other fuel station, as for the same price more or less, you are getting 2 octane ratings less! Lol!
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Depends on how im feeling. If i wanna save money, I will use regular, but if im after a bit more pull out of my 200 I put super unleaded in. Ive never had a problem with regular though and ran my first 200 mainly on regular. Its fast and runs smooth on both fuel. However I do notice a difference with super.....as it does go a bit faster...or seems too !