Want a cheap Lambo

Looks fab imo from my iPhone if that's your thing but I wouldn't give more than 5k personally and only if I had a buyer paying 6
how can the exhaust sound like 'the real thing'


in sure he is missing 8 cylinders somewhere
I wonder what it looks like in the metal? To be honest, unless you're an expert or you've got it next to the real thing, I bet it would be hard to tell them apart.
It actually looks ok in the pictures. Unfortunately it doesn't go like it looks.
I do love the sellers honesty in that nothing electrical works on it....

Wonder if he'll sell it for 7k and keep the plate that apparrently is worth so much

#edit# was going to mail him and offer him 7k if he keeps the plate but the listing has ended. He recently sold a 360 replica for 11.5k
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Outside looks convincing but the interior looks like a 3 year old was let loose with a sewing machine :-0
echo what most will say. Looks good, until that one day another Murcielago pulls up beside you and its 2ft wider. The your penis will retract into your body and you'll wish the world would end.

Strange why people do this, hes clearly spent alot of money doing it, why not just buy a better car to begin with?

ps. because that auction has ended, ebay thought I might be interested in this instead.
