URL in signature

Have searched on here and google and im sure the format etc is correct but its not working for some reason.

Anyone able to spot in my sig why?
This what I mentioned the other week? Ask Pete, his ones work don't they.

Already messaged him, the way he sent me turns out like this, but did it the wayhe said in the past and it worked for my link to the last bluewater meet
I think you're missing " marks in certain areas. I can't edit it on the iPad.

try putting a " in front of http and then one again at the end of the address.

[ url="www.webaddress.com"]text[/url]
I think you're missing " marks in certain areas. I can't edit it on the iPad.

try putting a " in front of http and then one again at the end of the address.

[ url="www.webaddress.com"]text[/url]

Worked - thank you :smile:

Hope your enjoying that stella glass :smiley:

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