Tool kit stench

Thought l'll have a look at my tool kit in the boot today,pulled the polystyrene foam holder out and there was a pool of
stagnant stinky water there.l wasn't getting a smell into the cabin or even in the boot,so l just sponged it out and cleaned
it.So maybe something to keep an eye on.
None whatsoever.The insulated boot mat was bone dry,all bodywork panels were dry to the touch,just a pool of watel in the tool kit well.
Shall do some experimenting with talcolm powder tomorrow,but enough about my sex life.
Unusual to have water there but not have a wet carpet. Just keep an eye on it and have a check round next time it lashes it down.
Had some heavy rain recently so checked under the tool kit and no sign of any water whatsoever.Hope its cleared up by itself but l wouldn't count on it.
Strange so l'll keep an eye on it.
Opened the boot on my accident damaged car ( front end) and noticed water under mine too. will have a look at the thread above.