The two RS ladies.....

Very nice indeed! :drool: I would really like a focus RS when I come to trade the 200 in (will be a while yet though) :worried: My dads got a ST220 and he is looking at changing it this year, trying to persuad him to get a Focus RS, but not much luck! He is 50 and says that he is too old for a car like that! I f**king hope I am not like that when I get to that age! :-p

haha tell him there are some "lads" on the focus RS OC site that are older than him.... They tend to go for the RS in white though. lol I cant imagine me ever having a normal boring car.... The only car I can imagine me swapping the RS for is the Nissan GTR.....:001_tt1: One day!!! some searious saving required!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They will be vintage by the time I get one lol

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