Tetrax Fix + Xway


Platinum Member
Anyone else on here discovered the wonders? Using a 'fix' for my iPod nano and have an 'xway' for the IPhone will try and get some pics in the near future, in the meantime check their website, these things are awesome...

Got the Xway with an I4 case with built in magnet, but have had an ordinary magnet from the kit stuck to my old case when was using just the fix, both work perfectly, very strong hold hasn't fallen off once even with the Cup Chassis and nasty speed bumps
I am no physicist but, magnets and electronics don't really work well together, what stops it frying your memory or sim card?
That's just what i was thinking Paul. I would hope they've put sumthing in place to stop that? Strong magnetic fields + memory cards + lcd displays isn't something I'd like to put together TBH
They use some strange metal for the discs, there is a YouTube video where the discs don't stick to a knife blade and a cheap other product does. Been using for a while and no problems at all. Think the expense has something to do with the magnetic fields/electronics potential problems, for what it's worth they get top marks from me