Steering wheel removal

Hi Anyone

So I bought a new steering wheel and I cannot for the life of me get the airbag out. So what do you stick through the hole and what way do you push it? So confused. Alternatively ill give someone a couple of quid I live in Windsor and work in Richmond if anyone can help. Please I bought a new wheel and can't do anything with ot
I used a 1/4 drive t-bar and extension - you have to fiddle around a bit to feel where the spring clip is to make it un-hook from the steering wheel...
Well trying it yourself can be a bit tricky.

Grab a mate of yours, turn the wheel upside down and ask them to pull the airbag while you are pushing down with a T-bar (a big flat screwdriver will do as well) through the hole (sounds naughty) with both hands! Don't be afraid you might break anything, you will not. It's just a hook really that needs to be sprung down.
Cheers guys so what is it a spring that needs to be pulled up and off? I have the other steering wheel just struggling to see what to do. Fiddle until I undo the spring whilst pulling the airbag from the top (if I have the steering wheel upside down)
And what's your tip just fiddle around and try and unhook a spring or what? What's the tactic? So pissed off new steering wheel I think a forum first and can't put it on
Extension bar in and unhook the bottom latch. Then pull hard towards you... just watch you don't break any cruise buttons.

I hate MkIII bag units but you get used to them eventually.
I'll give this another go. So is it it hooked on left right or backwards? I can see the hook on the new steering wheel just can't work it out. And not the end of the world if I break a button as I have a new wheel
These are the hooks mate as you can see from the pic


The spring slots in there so basically all you have to do is push hard while another one pulls the airbag from the bottom (the top in this case given that the steering is upside down)
Cheers for that mate just got to try and try I guess. I saw the hook I just can't work out which way te spring slots onto the hook and what way to push/pull. It's towards you isn't it?
Just tried again and no luck. I can get it to pop out once but not again it just won't clip out. I push it down and it clicks back into place. I will beat this spring eventually