
Hi guys

As you know I am building a track car and am now looking at some seats. I don't want to spend stupid money on them but I want some quality and support.

I was originally looking at the Bimarco Grip but then started to look around for others. This is when I started to overthink it and now have too many options. Have you any opinions on seats available?
It all depends on how much you want to spend and your height/build etc.

I used the opportunity at the autosport show a few years ago to sit in and try as many seats as possible, if you want one with head protection you might not be able to see past this when sat in the seat.

I'm 5' 8" and around 14 stone and settled on a corbeau revolution as a could see through the wings and it had deep sides, others with wings on were at different heights so got in the way, some felt tight etc

Perhaps an afternoon up at demon tweeks would be a good idea. they have most on show.
I'm a skinny dude. 6'2" and 12 stone. I have sat in the Cobras as a friend has them in his race 172 & 182 and they were great.