I tried to do this by feeding it through with a coat hanger, found it impossible so instead i removed the battery/airbox & fed it through the bonnet release grommet, the access to the grommet behind the heat sheild (which is made of crappy flimsy material that crumbled in my hands) is much easier to get to but feeding the cable through just wasn't happening for me, the bonnet release grommet wasn't too hard, definitely the hardest part of installing the sub!
Was really nice to have the job all finished, but wasn't so nice to then get in my car to dsicover i've totally lost reverse gear :thumbdown:
Also last night i lost the connect2 steering remote adapter function, it still says 'renault' on my display, still got sound etc, but no volume/source control on the steering wheel, i think my car just likes being fixed :001_rolleyes: