RB 200 Cup

Hi All,

Picked up my new 200 today, this is my 5th Renaultsport and 2nd 200 and this is one is stunning!

Was abit of a drive there and back so haven't had time for proper pics, only iPhone.

Here's a couple to get you started!

Cheers for the replies Gareth and Andy.

I've had 3 182's including a Trophy and a GW 200 for a short time before getting this one so been on cliosport.net.

Some great information on here though and looking forward to meeting you guys at some meets.
Cheers Giles and Miss Magpie!

Got the valeter at work to heat up and take off the C L I O badge off the back today, makes it much cleaner at the back.

Will get some more pics up over the next couple of days.
Thanks Andreas!

Does anyone know of a good professional detailer in Dorset or surrounding counties?

Think it might be good to get it detail and sealed before winter really sets in!

Any suggestions let me know please, thank you.