quick shoot of the 197 last nite

Woah looks gawjus mate !

What's it lowerd on ? Looks a nice height.

Also i was 50/50 about changing the black wheels on my UR to light anthra. After seeing these pics im 100% sure and they'll be getting done shortly haha
Lovely car! What's it lowered on?

Love shots #1 and #5. Your mate seems to have a great eye for the detail shots!

Some external lighting (flash/light-painting) would elevate some of the others to "awesome".
Wow. That R27 looks the absolute tits. I love the stance, the wheels, the colour, everything. Makes me miss my 197 even more when I see porn of this quality.
thanks again i neva thought i would get these kinda comment thanks people
just as a quich heads up the clio mite be goin up for sale asmh money is needed for other things, its not 100% yet but if you would be interested let me no

thanks matt
iv had the car since september but i need to free up some money so the car has to go i no il miss it tho and i had plans aswel!