Nimbus 197 with sport stickers on the rear arches

I think i'm going to in the morning.

Can't sleep thinking if to get this or a white one i've seen (or one of)
I know I'm biased but it did look good and I've seen it a few times on the forecourt
Nice one now let's talk cup spoilers:rofl:
You will love it mate :bounce1:
Brilliant! Now you just have to sit through the longest week of your life!

I've been agonising for four days over buying it or either one of two white ones i've seen and thats been bad enough, still holding out and the salesman ringing me everyday helped me get over £700 off it and a good deal, and delivered to a more local (to me) dealer so i'm happy and i feel a lot better once i'd said yes.

We'll see about tuesday though :rofl:

Nice one now let's talk cup spoilers:rofl:
You will love it mate :bounce1:

I hope so after all this, i've waited around four years to be able to get one :thumbup: