New stickers for my cup spolier (updated with stickers fitted)

Lol, both wrong, I do board diving, like Tom Daley but nowhere near as good.
My daughter started doing it first and one week the instructor said he wanted some parents to join in, 2 years later I'm still doing it. Most of the time I land on my face lol

How high is the board you dive off???
How high is the board you dive off???

We use 3 boards, 1m springboard, 3m springboard, 5m platform and 7.5m platform. There is a 10m platform but that is really scary, only ever done a couple of pike falls (normal joe bloggs dive) of that.
As a kid we used to jump of the high boards but now noooooo way
Are we going to see your daughter in the future as a Olympian???
Had some spare time today so popped round a mates house to get a hand firting the stickers:






Personally I love em, prob not everyones cup of tea but who cares lol... Still would love to hear your comments tho.

Also a massive thanks to Jase for sorting these out for me so quickly. Star man
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I do have plans for more stickers or a wrap to advertise the carbon business so these are just the begining.
I think the bit looks so wrong.

Kind of like when you see placards people have written, and after the first few letters they have to shrink the size to fit the rest on. The shape of the shaded yellow area just doesn't look right to me.
I like those. :smile:

The ''underneath'' one looks really smart, only way to make that better would be if it curved with the spoiler but I'm guessing that'd be quite hard to do. The top one looks good too, bit of free advertising for the site!!! The black and yellow go really well over the white.
Have you got any normall pics from behind can it been seen from say standing at the back of the car ?

would be cool if the sticker ( bottom ) was more curved like the spoiler

I actually agee mate, but think that would be harder to print or set up. I couldve winged it and cut each letter out and fibre it that way but knowing me it would've been so obviously wonky
I like them alot.

Like others have said, if the bottom one had the same curve to it would look even better :thumbup:
I would have them, but I think I have enough advertising on my vehicle:



Your stickers look bloody brilliant!