New owner to be

Welcome to the forum!

The wheels on that example are enough to put me off, OEM wheels are much much better!

There is a buyers guide available for paid members, plenty of info there and it’s only £5 to become a paid member. You also get access to the classifieds and “How To” section.
Welcome to the forum, James! Good to hear you're thinking of a 197 - I don't think you'll be disappointed!

As above, the Buyers Guide is an excellent article and will help an awful lot with regards knowing what to look for. And if you need to know anything else then just ask - we're all very happy to help and talk Clios!
Thanks guys, I've been to drive one today and I'm not sure it felt normal or not..

It felt quite boaty through bends.
And I'm sure the dephaser was rattling it's tits off to.

Planning on going to see a rs200 saturdsy tho so fingers crossed that's a good one

Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
Welcome in. The one you drove doesn't sound right to me. Bends are the area where these cars most excell. Good luck finding a goodun.

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