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Good evening.

I am an ex RS clio 182 owner looking into the 197. I changed the 182 for an A3. However, im not enjoying the A3, its a lovely car but doesn't scratch that itch! Also, not getting very good mpg from it - 38mpg average from a 2.0 tdi!!

Im sure i can get a decent 197 from the money i would get from the A3.

I have a few questions about the running costs of the 197, i have looked at figures but who better to ask then actual owners!

Can people give me an idea of the mpg they are getting from their 197's and how many miles they get per tank.
Also, how much is it costing to fill at the pump?


You'd struggle to get 38mpg I reckon dude. I'm at 25mpg ATM id get 30mpg if I was a good boy.

Welcome though. Hope the MPG doesn't put you off buying a 197 as they are great cars!
Cheers guys.

Im not expecting to get 38mpg but i think thats a bit pap for a tdi, was expecting well in the 40's.

I would be happy getting 30-35 out of the 197. I did notice my mpg plummet in the 182 after i had the yozza fitted.
Steady 50MPH, ~30MPG. Steady 60MPH, ~32MPG. Steady 70MPH, ~28MPG.

Short journey... Not good, ~25MPG at best really. Tank holds 12 Gallons, so not cheap to fill up.

But, forgetting all of that, it's a cracking car and it's well worth the expense. I'd rather put ~£100 per month into this than something boring. :smile:
£100 a month? I wish! Im doing around 1000-1200 miles a month. Im guessing that would be about £250 at current fuel prices?
That's getting me around 300-350 Miles on average so £250 sounds about right.

It depends what your mileage is though, motorways, rural lanes etc.?
Just been trying to work this out. Depending on the day it will be a 20 mile journey on the motorway with a few miles on normal roads to work and then it can be a mile home on normal roads to my GF's then vice versa. Plus whatever i do on my days off.
The norm for me, if it's any help, is 8 Miles to work at 0330 in zero traffic at ~30MPH and then 8 Miles back in average 1400 traffic between 20-30MPH. Plus a 9 Mile round trip to the nursery to pick the lil'un up down the lanes at ~50MPH (I don't pick him up everyday, probably 2 days per week). Averaged out through the month, I'd say I cover 20 Miles per day at ~25MPH and ~26MPG according to the onboard computer.

I'm hoping to change jobs soon which will see my commute change to 20Miles each way at ~50MPH. I did a test run of that today in midday traffic and averaged 30.3MPG to give myself some sort of indication of potential fuel costs if I do change jobs. On longer journeys they seem to get much better MPG, that's one thing I have noticed.

On track I normally see ~12MPG.
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:welcome:mate simple answer if your worried about fuel costs do t bother because they are crap on fuel unless you drive like a granny :thumbsup:
:welcome: to the site dude!

My average for the car over the last 2 1/2 years is 30.08MPG - 41393 miles worth!

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