New Chap

Just signed up to browse forum for advice, looking at grabbing a Clio 197, pref an F1 with Cup pack so was on look out for the do's and don't, things to look for etc.

I wanted ideally a Liquid Yellow and by chance messaged regarding the one listed on here yesterday to find an deposit had just been left which is a shame as I'd have traveled to pick it up today as ticked all the boxes for me.

I've dabbled with Clio's in the past when bit younger, Williams, 16v's, 172, 182, Clio V6 (MK1 Widow Maker) and I'm often found lurking around Spa and Nurburg, can the Clio 197 take that form of abuse if looked after well to a high standard level of maintenance?

Anyway hopefully will find one soon. If anyone is thinking of listing basically I'm after

Clio 197 (Pref Liquid Yellow) but open to options
Recaro seats
Less than 70k miles
Under £6,500

I'm off to look at one in Norwich tomorrow so might have one anyway.

In case of interest my current 'fun car' that I've now had for 3-4 years is this Nissan GT-R although I have a few other toys I like to drive and a fairly interesting history of motors if anyone ever gets bored and wants me to post details and history on.






GT-R is currently what they like to call Stage 4.25, not much standard to be honest but fun none-the-less.

Welcome to the forum! Very nice GTR :thumbsup:

The link provided by Pav is a great guide to what to look for. But to answer your question, yes the 197 is more than up for a bit of track action, provided it's serviced regularly and on time.