Minor update

Just had the B-pillar seal replaced again. It had fallen off by the time I went to pick the car up, so had to be restuck as I stood there watching. The guy said he'd had to do one on a brand new Clio just delivered. It really is about time they redesigned it.

Had the clutch pedal mechanism replaced as the old one was clicking like mad and was doing my nut in. Lookers Stockport dismissed it, but Macclesfield didn't quibble at all.

Had the steering wheel replaced, at Renault's cost, as a "gesture of goodwill". THey quoted that interior trim is only covered for 12 months. But I had the T's & C's of the warranty handy and couldn't find any mention of that at all. They insisted it was still the case though, that there was no problem with steering wheels melting in the sun, but because our family were obviously loyal Renault customers they'd pick up the cost of replacement.

Only thing remaining on the list was the n/s front knocking which they insist they can't find anything.:@
Not bad though, 3 out of 4 was it? Mine need's booking in. The rear seats are rattling!? How random, checked that they are in the locking place a couple of times, but still do it. The A/C needs checking on their request and there's something else, but I have forgotten what now!
Yeah, not a bad result really, for a Renault :smiley:

It's weird just how good having a new steering wheel feels. I think because it's your main connection with the car, it just makes the whole car feel like brand new. Very happy indeed and might wear gloves when I drive it so as not to make the perforated bit go all poo looking again.