insurance messed up :)

a very small direct debit came out the bank today for the first payment of my insurance so i called my them to find they have taken 75% off my years premium and said i was the one who is mistaken, didnt want the suprise of a massive bill at the end of the year so wanted to sort it out, but they were having none of it, just wandering that because ive brought it to there attention and they said numerous times the amount im paying is correct can they change there mind later on once they realise the mistake theyve made?
Get it in writing.


I'd get the amount you owe for the policy and your a copy of your policy with ALL the wording sent to you ASAP. If they've cocked up the price who knows what else is wrong, paying 100% of a correct policy is better than paying 25% of a useless one.

But, If all the writing, policy wording and information is correct then hopefully it's happy days. Although it wouldn't surprise me if they found a way to void it, refund the amount you've paid and ask you to take out a new policy, small print has a way of getting around these situations.
its brentacre which is a little broker by my house, when i spoke to them i asked as much as i could to make sure my details were correct and everything seemed legit had a 96 corsa 1.2 for a week on the policy before i got the clio and seems like they just swapped the word corsa for clio with the appropriate vehicle details, i tried explaining but theres only so much effort i can give for there cock up lol, ill give it one more try tomorow and have them re-print and confirm the policy to cover my back if the worst should happen...
if they are a broker then they are NOT the insurer.

They simply do the legwork and find you the cheapest policy's that matches your requirements.

Your insurer is the company you are insured with who you will make a claim against.

Believe me you won't get paid out without the correct policy. Yes you would have a legal argument with the broker but thats a long process. You know they have cocked up and for a few quid short term do you really want the hassle of not actually having insurance on that car should you crash or hit a police camera that would know instantly it isn't insured?
I rang to cancel my insurance when I had my TT and women at broker I used said "what insurance" she denied ever doing it! Luckily car was taxed already but I never received my proper documents just the initial quote, guess I would of been screwed if owt happened but I had paid them in full, end of day they refunded the years premium of nearly a grand and I got some 17's for new car and windows tinted.... totally chav tastic was my little 1.2 clio lol.

Moral of story always read the small print get everything in writing and make a note of date and time that you spoke to them and the persons name. They always seem to have a way of trying to get out of their mistakes!
So he won't get pulled by ANPR, but if he has a prang and the details aren't correct the insurer has no obligation to pay out. It's his responsibility to make sure all the details are correct, insurers are VERY clean on that. His problem, not theirs.

Like I said before, get it in writing and check it over with a fine tooth comb, if your happy its correct its a win.

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