
Been looking out for a decent 200 for a while now, came close to picking one up a few times then went to see this last Friday night and snapped it up...





Had a 170 mile drive home, loved every minute of it, then took it on a trackday at Goodwood on Saturday morning. Wow. Compared to my 172 Cup it is so composed...I must brake less and enter faster :evil:

I've a video of my last lap on YouTube but can't link to is from work.

Looking forward to the spring and lots more trackdays :approve:
didnt realise how fast that circuit was

top vid

Yup, it is a properly quick circuit.

One of the only circuits remaining now as it was in the 50s, it's unsanitised, very fast and has very little run off :blush:hmy:

Annoyed with my lack of commitment on Saturday, need to reclibrate my senses and stop turning in at the 172 Cup speeds I'm so used to...but in my defence I'd only had the car 12 hours!

There's plenty more to come.
get yaself to cadwell park mate. its great. mind you i really enjoyed Snetterton too
Thanks all.

A week of commuting, one track day, and 3 tanks of fuel later and I'm smitten.

The only negative I've found so far is the slightly woolly throttle response which means my heel-toe down changes are sometimes a bit off. Time and practice will sort that one out though.

First full tank on the commute saw a genuine 36mpg so I'm more than happy with that.

Just wish there wasn't ice outside as it so needs a clean!
Markcup as in Markcup from Bognor who had a 172cup that did about a million track miles?!

Nice one mate! Goodwood is very enjoyable in the 200!
The very same!

Old Clio's off for some TLC from whoever wants it, was time for me to try something else.

'you still got the Scoob/Panda?

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