
Hey all, great site, ive been using the site for a few months, well since i got my 197 3 months ago, i thought it was time to register. had a bit of trouble with the car but i will go into that later on the right thread. pics later of the said trouble.:thumbdown:
Welcome m8 :biggrin: don't worry about the problems. We have 3 brand new cars home and there are problems with all of them and they are different brands. The same could be said with almost all new cars from my friend who has over 7 from VAG lol

So don't worry - be happy and hammer your Clio into the corners. Makes my forget some bits that could be solved better on it :smiley:

Thanks for the warm welcome lads, iam slowly getting my problems sorted:thumbup: and dont worry the car gets driven like its spose to.:smiley:

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