Hello all

Hi all,

Thought i'd post up. Been reading the forum for a while, and now I have made a purchase I thought it would be rude not to register. I chopped in my RX-8 and now have a black 197 sitting on the drive. Only had it two days but what a great car!

I've been a member on a few other forums relating to various toys i've had in the past. They have all been great and from the info and posts I have seen so far this forum is spot on too!

So first question, everything on my car is spot on bar the door lock buttons. I have read the various posts and it seems that they are temperamental at best. To those who have replaced, was it worth it or do they fail pretty quickly again? Not to bothered as I can use the buttons on the card, but i like things to work!

Second question, I have the 6 CD front loading Cabasse headunit. I would like to hook up an I pod. As far as I understand it you can on a standard HU but not the Cabasse using a cheap lead from Ebay. Is that correct or not? What options do I have? Don't really want to fork out for a Tunepoint if i'm honest!

Cheers guys :thumbsup:
Yeah i'll get some pics up tomorrow, too dark now unfortunately. So aside from the questions I asked above. Are there any choice or must do mods? I have noticed the car kangaroo-ing a bit when cold and saw that a remap for RS tuning will cure that as well as a tiny bit of a performance hike. I had a look at K-Tec as well. Can anyone tell me what the difference is between the two remaps. K-Tec stage 1 says they fit a panel filter, do RS do the same?
Does the filter make much of a difference sound and performance wise. I know it won't make a difference BHP wise, but does it make it smoother etc. What effect does it have on insurance when those that have one have notified their insurance company?
As far as im aware its not something the insurance company would care about, as you have to replace your standard air filter at some point. If the new filter just so happens to make the car slightly better performance then... bonus!
Same with regular vs supreme unleaded :smile:
some say yes some say no
nothing to do with your insurance its just a reusable filter rather than a paper throw away
Welcome to the site. I have found running the car on 99 ron fuel (Tesco Momentum being my fuel of choice over v-power) has helped almost solve the poor cold start issues. But it's still a bit lumpy. I have an itg and the differences are very small, but I noticed a slightly better sound, and it just felt a bit better. The door locking can be as simple as where you have the card in your pocket. If it goes behind your phone or wallet for example, it won't work.
If it has failed, then fitting a new one is a bit of a ball ache so I have heard. But people reackon the problem if related to water ingress, probably caused by pressure washing.
I'm running the car on V-power at the moment. The kangaroo issues haven't been that bad so we'll see i guess. For sake of 40 quid i'll get an ITG filter even if it only makes a small difference. As for a remap i'll wait and see. The door buttons are a bit erratic. I'll test them out one evening in terms of phone in pocket etc. See if anything helps the situation. If not i may have them replaced later on down the line.

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