FastChip/RSTuner help

I'm finally getting round to applying this tune.

All looks straight forward except this bit :-

"First update your ECU software to RSTuner_B600_6A0C_org.rst.
Takes about 30 minutes. Disconnect the cooling fan relay, see instructions.
Recharge Battery before next step."

I cant find anything relating to this section - what does this do, and has anyone who has used the RSTuner done this ?


I did that. It's because it's a fast fan that I suppose can drain the battery. I seem to recall the fan relay being in the box to the left of the battery. I think it's a square purple one relay.

It says to connect a battery charger when you're flashing the ECU. I bought a charger and did use it like it said but it only takes about 30 seconds to complete so I would say it's probably not necessary although I take no responsibility if your battery does die halfway through!