F1 2010 Race Night anyone?

Got the house to myself up to about 10pm tomorrow (Friday 29th October). Anyone fancy an online session on F1 2010 for the PS3. Got a few PS names....post yours up and I will send out some invites about 7pm for a quick session....if there is enough takers maybe do a mini GP?
i drive with no aids as its better lol but i will go you a race mate. didnt know it was possible till just now lol
Woody and me have had a good few races today on F1 2010 and thought we should organise a race night. Shall we say this Wednesday 3/11 kicking off at 19.00 for an hour or so!? This should give everyone a chance to pinch the remote off their partners :wink:
...tried to get on line on Friday night but was having trouble.....send me an invite on Wednesday and I'll see if I can distract the missus for long enough....gamer tag is Slime-on....