Exhaust Manifold Branch Cracked: (Pictured)

The weekend i was going along when all of a sudden i notice a loud unusual noise bouncing off the central resorvation that was coming from my car. I pulled over to have a look and i couldnt put my finger on what this noise was! First of all i did expect the manifold as it sounded like an exhaust blow coming from the front of the engine. But as i accerated i could here metal banging about. Then as i was driving it home slowly i started to think that it could be other things and i started to get worried!
Today i took it to a garage and they identified the problem being a cracked manifold branch at the flange! (for people that dont know what flange is, its the part of the exhaust manifold thats bolts to the engine) Now the metal noise that i could here moving around become clear...it was the branch that had snapped vibrating against the flange!

Is this a common problem? Because to suddenly snap on me like this isnt really normal with most other cars? This isnt very reassuring for me and other 197/200 owners out there! Im going on track @ Trax this weekend, im just glad this has happened now and not on the day lol!

Heres a picture i took:
