Engine help

Right bought a clio r27. I picked it up on the 28/07/11 had it two days and it developed a rattle like a dephaser pully so took the car back to the garage as i bought a 5 year warranty. So they sent it to one renault dealership who said it had work done to the cylinder head in june and it sounds like a faulty hydraulic tappet. So the garage sent the car to the other renault dealership to see if they would repair it as it sounds lke the repair they had done before to the cylinder head had gone faulty.

I hear today that the renault garage who repaired it first says its nothing to do with their repair and its coming from the bottom end. Ive had a few friends who are mechanics and said its coming from the cylinder head and one renault dealership say the same then the other say the bottom end. To top it all the garage I bought the car off of are trying to say its my fault its broken since I was supposidly thrashing it. I did about 150 miles in it and its a 50 mile round trip to work.

Any thoughts?
If they are saying you thrashed it then say they sold it under false pretenses!!! Every review or article (even from Renault) says to belt it!!! Just stick with it, this is Renault for you.
im sticking with it as i fell in love with the car and the garage knows they have to sort it and i think they wish they hadnt sold 5 year warranty with it
Any garage that blames you for a fault shouldn't be trusted. Having been in a Clio 200 where the bottom end let go recently, it does sound like a tapping top end, but any decent mechanic should be able to hear the difference between that and a tappet!

right spoken to the garage today and they now have the car and are going to start work on it on monday. They are now saying that its not driver error as the car is built to do that. Could have told them that 2 weeks ago now they are saying that the warranty might not pay out as it is so close to starting it saying there might be a "grace" period.