Driving To Germany & Places To Stay, Anyone Done It?

Im just after some info on if there's any hotels like Campenille or Formula 1s like in France?

Me and the Mrs set out last yr for a week touring Germany, but chickened out due to the uncertainty we'd find anywhere to stay each night

In France, we enjoy just searching for somewhere to stay wherever we happen to be that night, is this possible in Germany? Im talking cheap as chips places like Campenilles, not proper hotels as im aware there will be these!

ANY advice would be great, also places worth a visit - we've got a week in Sept to do it

I aren't you sure on that but TBH hotels seem to be very cheap over there - they certainly.were at the 'ring
I have a ferry booking on hold if you would like to transfer it to your name and car, save you some cash?!? Drop me a pm if your interested and I can let you know all the details.