Cant give my bloody 182 away!!!

Just bear in mind you wont be able to advertise it on here unless you become a paid member etc.
Trouble is people want 1*2's for nothing now. If it's a tidy example get it advertised in the right places and be patient. ( I sold my 172 Cup and Rallye within 2 days of putting on piston heads)

Also the problem is that there is a lot of crap out there going very cheap (poorly maintained, chavved up, not serviced etc etc) - which some people will go for over a more expensive yet far better car thinking they are saving money making it difficult if you have a good one.
Good luck with it, I'm surprised, mine was sucha good catch - at £4k too!!!
Gotta be worth getting a price for it. I would, might be surprised, or walk out pi55ing your pants, one or the other lol!
May have to scrap my plans of selling now..... My work car (cheapo diesel) is due its MOT next week. If it fails and costs over £200 to fix am not gonna fix it, and I'll ise the 182 instead! The cars only worth £500 max so am not gonna waste money fixing it up when I have a perfectly good 182 sitting on my drive :smile: