Brembo caliper pins

Hey guys, I know there's a load of topics on this and how people have got them out and I've tried so much to get them out but they will not budge!! One side has had to be cut but the ends still won't move, the other side the full pins are in as I don't want to get stuck in same position. I've tried cutting, punching, hammering... Anything I can think of to force them out of the calipers.
So if anyone has a great suggestion on how to remove the little buggers then I'd be much appreciative. Also picking up one of my brûlée blow torches from work today to try get some heat into the buggers and try moving them.
Wd40 penetrant, a big hammer and an oversized punch worked for me!

Also, I have some used pins for sale if you need any.
I'm guessing they haven't been out in a LONG time!

They will come out, especially now you have cut them. Are you using a punch of some sort? A decent punch and big hammer will definately get them out.
Got a snap on set of punch tools. 4 big old hammers and still no avail.
They've prob been in for around 30k miles but nobody has serviced them at any time :-(
Wd40 penetrant, a big hammer and an oversized punch worked for me!

Also, I have some used pins for sale if you need any.

Thanks goose, I coated them up with wd40 before work so will let soak and try again later. I've got a set of new ones sitting there just need to get old ones out...

The other thing, do you know about removing front hub nut to remove suspension strut too? Tried with 36mm socket and a frickin scaffold pole as a breaker bar but no avail. :worried:
Push the pistons fully in by splitting the pads away from the disc.

Then when the pistons are full in waggle the pads half way back towards the disk so it is no longer clinging to the pins.

Sat against disc


pistons pushed back and pad sat in the middle freeing pins.

with the pins if you fairy tap them they wont come out!

the first smack is always the most important one and needs to be a heavy one also worth considering giving them a smack inwards as well to break the far not been defeated ;/
Also worth upgrading ot he the Mr Pink redesigned pins in my opinion too. They're held in using an R clip so are much easier to remove. I'm able to remove mine just using my fingers now!
Thanks goose, I coated them up with wd40 before work so will let soak and try again later. I've got a set of new ones sitting there just need to get old ones out...

The other thing, do you know about removing front hub nut to remove suspension strut too? Tried with 36mm socket and a frickin scaffold pole as a breaker bar but no avail. :worried:

I'm afraid I don't know about that...perhaps more penetrant will help??
Thanks to everyone's help. The pins did not come out. At all. 3 mechanics, 3 other different people and a shed load of tools later... No pins out. Then to make it worse, one final good smack and the caliper split. Great... So Im picking up new shiny ones today. :smile: