Best front Speaker choice & Amp location

Hi guys,

I have an aftermarket Pioneer Head Unit with 3x4v RCA outputs currently driving stock front speakers in a 197. I'm looking to put in some better front component speakers, maybe up to £200. I have looked at online the Focals, but also Alpines and also some custom fit Pioneers for ease of fit. I really want to go higher than the Pioneers and so realise I probably need to buy an amp to make the best use of say a set of Focals VR, VRS or K2's. First question is what Focals can I fit in the front fairly easily in a way that I could return the car to it's standard speakers if I sell the car at a later point. I don't mind if I need a mounting ring to fit better SQ speakers, but do not want to hack the car to bits in a way that means I can't put the stock speakers back at a later stage. Am I best to stick with 130mm speakers or would 165mm fit fairly easily. With either choice is there a mounting depth limit? Also with the component speakers do I havce to be carefull of any make / models due to the tweeters not fitting in the standard fitting?

Amp wise, I am looking at spending simular money, probably go for a class D (I think they're cooler running), but because I am currently only looking at front speakers am I best to go for a two channel amp, or would a 4 channel amp be better, maybe driving tweeters with one set of channels and the mid/lows from the other channels and maybe using the amps own low and high filters? Also where have people placed their amps? Obviously driving the fronts the closer up front the better/easier/ Will an amp (Say Alpine MRX-F30 or F65) fit behind the dash or under the seat easy enough?

I've just bought some new speakers for the front of mine, i've looked into what can be fitted and it's 13cm ones or cut the mounts for bigger.

I've stuck to 13cm ones as don't want to cut door cards.

There are some renault specific ones on ebay because the original ones only have two mounting lugs but i'm hopefull two lugs on my new speakers will bend forward slightly, there is more than enough room behind the grills for this, so they mount securely.
I had a bid on some focal 130's on ebay but lost out so ended up buying some infinity reference also from ebay, seems to have been a good price, £40 posted.
Anyone know if you can get 165mm speakers in the front easily? Also anyone got an amp for the front speakers and if so where have you put it? :smile: